To capture it all on camera I decided to do a time lapse video capturing the view of the blizzard from the window of my home. So I charged the batteries for my Canon A 590 IS , copied the CHDK stuff to the memory card along with the intervalometer I wrote and rigged everything on the handle of on the handle of my window door.
The resultant video below is the result of my first attempt at this so go easy on me. :)
Yeah , I know you can't really see a bunch of car head lights after the first few seconds and you can see the light inside my house reflecting off of the window glass too. But ,hey this was only my first time !
These are the tools I used for making it if you'd like to try it yourself some time.
- I used my Canon A590 IS camera with CHDK, any high end camera[DSLRs] can be used or you can use most Canon point and shoot cameras with CHDK to run the Intervalometer script.
- I used a intervalometer script I wrote myself but I found out there are free and better intervalometer scripts out there. Here is one which should work for most cases. Ultra Intervalometer by
- I used PhotoLapse 3 to combine the stills to make the video but I guess you can also use windows movie maker but PhotoLapse 3 gives better quality and more options.
- Also used Youtube's video editor to add some music and that's pretty much all you need.
Best of luck if decide give a it a try , hope your video turns out better than mine.